We respect our clients' privacy. These testimonials are shared with permission, but names have been withheld for confidentiality
Lower your cyber threat risk with real-time detection and swift response.
Trust in advanced threat detection for a secure network.
Minimize false positives, focus on real threats.
Detecting threats you haven't seen before requires brain power.
Without AI-powered detections constantly looking through network traffic, we get stuck in the 'catch and patch' loop.
Catch: Learn about a new exploit
Patch: Write a SIEM detection.
Catch: User downloads malware from the internet.
Patch: Wipe device, block a domain and a file hash.
AI powered detections skip the step where they have to learn about a new behavior... they just compare
A user uploading gigabytes of data to a website they haven't seen before.
A host sending data on a port it doesn't normally use.
downloading at odd hours.
Don't let slow response times put your network at risk. NextRay AI's NDR tool provides real-time detection and automated response, giving you complete network visibility and faster resolution.
Real-time detection for proactive threat identification
Automated response for faster resolution and reduced risk
Complete network visibility to uncover hidden threats
Identify and neutralize sophisticated cyber threats in real-time with AI-enhanced detection and automated response capabilities.
Secure your OT and IoT infrastructure against escalating threats with comprehensive monitoring and targeted protection strategies.
Strengthen your cloud environments with adaptive security measures designed for cloud-native efficiency and resilience.
Boost endpoint defense with seamless NextRay integration for unmatched threat visibility.
Optimize threat detection and incident management with NextRay-enhanced SIEM.
Accelerate responses by automating workflows with NextRay-enabled SOAR.